Commitment to SDGs

For a Sustainable Society
Kuni Zakari, the origin of our company, embodies the hope that the nation's prosperity will bring success for our sake. Inheriting this sentiment, we are committed to initiatives that aim to enrich society and promote sustainable development.
Exploring What We Can Do Now for a Sustainable Society Through Our Products
●Contributing to the Health of Our Customers
- As a responsible alcoholic beverage manufacturer, we are committed to disclosing the amount of pure alcohol on our website to prevent harmful alcohol consumption.
- We will promote the development of non-alcoholic products and increase the availability of low-alcohol and low-calorie options.
- To prevent accidental ingestion, we will enhance the use of Braille on our product caps.
●Reduction of Waste for the Global Environment
- We aim to eliminate or replace plastic materials that can be reduced.
- We also promote the use of easily recyclable packaging materials, such as non-aluminum paper cartons.
Exploring What We Can Do Now for a Sustainable Society Through Our Business Processes
●Efforts in Business Processes and Facilities
- Convert office lighting to LED.
- Promote the use of Electric Vehicles (EVs) and Hybrid Vehicles (HVs) for company vehicles.
- Improve the efficiency of heavy oil and electricity consumption to enhance the overall energy consumption rate.
- Reduce food returns and minimize food waste.
●Initiatives through Kuni Zakari Farm
- Improve the environment and prevent disasters by maintaining fallow lands.
- Create new employment opportunities in the vicinity of the farm.
- Increase the proportion of plums used from the farm.
Exploring What We Can Do Now to Enhance Our Organization and Increase Employee Satisfaction
●We will collaboratively enhance individual abilities and nurture those who will lead the future.
- Our focus on human resource development will support career advancement.
- We will clarify the job function, qualification system and requirements, and promote the transparency of challenging goals to drive engagement and achievement.
●We are committed to promoting a safer work environment.
- Continue to achieve 'zero' occupational accidents through proactive health and safety activities.
- Curb overwork to ensure employee well-being.
- Create an environment where women can fully exercise their abilities, thereby energizing the organization.
- Eradicate discrimination and harassment. To support this, we will continue to provide consultation service and conduct educational programs to foster an inclusive corporate culture.